West Virginia Statistics

  1. Overview
  2. Sexual Violence
  3. West Virginia Statistics

In West Virginia (WV-IBRS, 2009): 

  • Nearly 82% of all sexual assaults were committed by someone known to the victim.
    • 46.6% of assaults were committed by an acquaintance and 7.4% by an intimate partner.
    • 27.6% by 'other' family (e.g., in-law, sibling)
  • Most (70%) sex offenses were reported to have occurred at a residence or home.
  • Personal weapons, such as the offender's hands or fists were used during sex offenses, more than other weapons.
  • 64.8% of victims were juveniles under the age of 18. The most frequently reported age was 15.
  • The majority of the offenders were males (93%) and adult (70.6%).

1 in 6 adult women and 1 in 21 men will be the victim of an attempted or completed forcible rape in their lifetimes (WV Health Statistics Center, BRFSS, 2008).


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